Monday, March 10, 2008

Still don't fully know!

Why are my pics turning out so big, and how do I put my "blog" either before or after my pics??

Anyway, here are some fun pics of when we went to the opening of a new park not too far from the house. Unfortunately, it was like -15 degrees outside and even though we had a blast it would have been that much better if the wind had stopped blowing and it wasn't so blooming cold.


Lambert the Sheepish Lions said... need to call me. I'll walk you through the pics and posting thing.
Love you!

Will and Natalie Giddens said...

Hey Katie!
So good to see that you have a blog. Once you get the hang of it, I promise it's so much fun!!

Can't wait to see pictures of your cute fam.

Me said...

Ok so tell me how do you add friends, or can you?? I am copying you if you haven't noticed...LOL